Saturday, February 11, 2006

**ALERT !!!! -- NEW ZEALAND MUD SNAILS have been confirmed in California rivers!

"**ALERT !!!! -- NEW ZEALAND MUD SNAILS have been confirmed in California rivers. The snails are very tiny and highly reproductive. The problem is created by their high numbers--billions of them--soon they cover every stone, log or other object in the water. In the process they will consume all the algae that other, more desirable trout stream invertebrates need to survive, including mayflies, stone flies and caddis flies which are vital parts of the food chain. A collapse of the food chain may result in a collapse of the fishery, plus the birds and otters that depend on the fish for food.

Be sure to wash/bleach your wading boots and gear before heading out to another river. Actually, someone just finished a study and here's what they found. Mix equal parts Formula 409 Disinfectant and water then soak gear for 5 minutes. If this method is not possible, spray gear with the same mixture from a squirt bottle and keep wet for 5 minutes. This has shown to kill 100% of the mudnsnails with minimal damage to gear. Pay particular attention to the inside of boots, under laces and inside tongue gussets! Let's help to stop the infestation whenever and wherever we can!! Educate yourself and take responsibility, assume there are snails everywhere. The future of our waters are in YOUR hands! Do something about it! "


Wow, this can't be good...If you fish these waters, please do your part.



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